
Affichage des articles du novembre, 2023

馃嚠馃嚤馃嚭馃嚥馃嚥馃嚝馃嚜馃嚘... Tziniut - Modesty

  馃嚭馃嚫  Master of the Universe who can do anything, may we merit always to walk modestly, and by this may the Rav be healthy, no longer sick, and be freed from prison in the blink of an eye. And their leggings should not be transparent, and through this, may we merit to the light of Sarah who illuminated the 3,700,000 lights, and none of us should ever stumble in looking bad chas v’shlom, and we will do whatever we can for the speedy release of the Rav because the entire redemption and all redemptions depend only on the modesty of the daughters of Yisrael, like it was in Egypt, that through the modesty of the daughters, Moshe Rabbeinu succeeded in bringing them out from Egypt, and the whole Nation of Yisrael was saved until the five daughters of Tzelofechad came who were so modest and so prophetic in the world and weren’t married only because of the word, and in the merit of their modesty the whole Nation of Yisrael, 600,000 men with women and children, merited to cross the Yarden and

馃嚠馃嚤馃嚭馃嚥馃嚥馃嚝馃嚜馃嚘... Carbohydrates and Sugar

  馃嚭馃嚥 Our holy teacher, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (may his merit protect us), writes in Likutei Etzot, Letter 12: "When a person consumes excess food, he becomes like an animal. For the boundary of a person is to eat only according to what is necessary. When one eats more, it is truly an act of an animal. Through this, a prayer is formed to merit seeking forgiveness from the desires of overeating, especially from carbohydrates and sugar. By consuming excessive food, the illness of diabetes may result, may the Merciful One save us. Before you is a new prayer composed by our teacher, Rabbi Eliezer Berland, may he be well, regarding seeking forgiveness for the desires of eating, that we not become like animals, especially from harmful carbohydrates and sugar. Here is the complete prayer for reading and downloading: Carbohydrates and Sugar Master of the Universe, who can withhold anything from You, save me from scheming against You. Grant me sufferings of the covenant when I eat, and

馃嚠馃嚤馃嚭馃嚥馃嚥馃嚝馃嚜馃嚘... To have the merit to distribute Rav Berland’s Prayers

  馃嚭馃嚥 Prayer #915: To have the merit to distribute Rav Berland’s Prayers Ribonu shel Olam, Master of the World, give me the merit of distributing the prayers of the Rav to every single house and home, and to every single place and location, and to every single neighborhood and locality. And to every single Jew, so that it shouldn’t come about that a Jew should lack some prayer, chas v’shalom (God forbid). And on this (i.e. distributing the Rav’s prayers) depends the whole geula, until Moshiach ben David will be revealed, by way of the Rav’s prayers. Which will spread throughout the world, and to every single Jew. And this is the secret of the makkat bachorot (the plague of the death of the firstborn), that Hashem struck against the Sitra Achra (dark side), by way of there being no house that doesn’t have a prayer there, from the Rav. == And we will merit to go out and to hafetza (distribution) every single day, to give out all the prayers of the Rav. And by way of this, we will merit

馃嚠馃嚤馃嚭馃嚥馃嚥馃嚝馃嚜馃嚘... Chesed L'Avraham

  诇讻讘讜讚 讬讜诐 讛讬讗专爪讬讬讟 讛拽讚讜砖 砖诇 讛诪拽讜讘诇 专讘讬 讗讘专讛诐 讗讝讜诇讗讬 讝爪"诇 (1570 – 讻"讚 讘讞砖讜谉 讛转"讚, 1643), 讘注诇 讛"讞住讚 诇讗讘专讛诐" 讜住讘 住讘讜 砖诇 讛讞讬讚"讗, 讻转讘 诪讜专讬谞讜, 讻"拽 讛讙讛"爪 讛专讘 讗诇讬注讝专 讘专诇谞讚 砖诇讬讟"讗 – 转驻讬诇讛 讞讚砖讛. 讘住"讚 诇砖"诪 转ְּ驻ִ诇ָּ讛 诇ַ讞ֶ住ֶ讚 诇ְ讗ַ讘ְ专ָ讛ָ诐!! 讛ַ讞ֶ住ֶ讚 诇ְ讗ַ讘ְ专ָ讛ָ诐 讛ָ讬ְ转ָ讛 谞ְ砖ָׁ诪ָ讛 砖ֶׁ讛ִ砖ִּׂ讬讙ָ讛 讗ֶ转 诪ַ讚ְ专ֵ讙ַ转 讛ַ讬ְּ讞ִ讬讚ָ讛 讜ּ讘ִ讝ְ讻讜ּ转ָ讛ּ 讻ָּ诇 注ַ诐 讬ִ砖ְׂ专ָ讗ֵ诇 拽ַ讬ָּ诐 注ַ讚 讛ַ讬ּ讜ֹ诐 转ְּ驻ִ诇ָּ讛: 讗ָ谞ָּ讗 讛', 讘ִּ讝ְ讻讜ּ转 讛ַ讞ֶ住ֶ讚 诇ְ讗ַ讘ְ专ָ讛ָ诐, 讝ַ讻ֵּ谞讜ּ 诇ְ讛ַ讙ִּ讬注ַ 诇ִ讬诪讜ֹ转 讛ַ诪ָּ砖ִׁ讬讞ַ 讜ּ诇ְ讞ַ讬ֵּ讬 注讜ֹ诇ָ诐 讛ַ讘ָּ讗, 讜ְ谞ִ讝ְ讻ֶּ讛 诇ִ专ְ讗讜ֹ转 讗ֶ转 讛ַ讙ְּ讗讜ּ诇ָ讛 讛ַ砖ְּׁ诇ֵ诪ָ讛, 讜ְ讗ֶ转 诪ָ砖ִׁ讬讞ַ 讘ֶּ谉 讚ָּ讜ִ讬讚, 讜ְ谞ִ讝ְ讻ֶּ讛 诇ִ专ְ讗讜ֹ转 讘ֵּ讬转 讛ַ诪ִּ拽ְ讚ָּ砖ׁ 砖ֶׁ诇 讗ֵ砖ׁ 讬讜ֹ专ֵ讚 诪ִ谉 讛ַ砖ָּׁ诪ַ讬ִ诐, 讜ְ讗ֵ诇ִ讬ָּ讛讜ּ 讛ַ谞ָּ讘ִ讬讗 诪ֵ讘ִ讬讗 讗ֶ转 讛ַ拽ָּ专ְ讘ָּ谞讜ֹ转, 讜ְ谞ִ讝ְ讻ֶּ讛 诇ְ讛ַ拽ְ专ִ讬讘 讗讜ֹ转ָ诐 诪ִ讚ֵּ讬 讬讜ֹ诐 讘ְּ讬讜ֹ诪讜ֹ – 转ְּ诪ִ讬讚ִ讬谉 讻ְּ住ִ讚ְּ专ָ谉 讜ּ诪讜ּ住ָ驻ִ讬谉 讻ְּ讛ִ诇ְ讻ָ转ָ谉, 讜ְ讙ַ诐 讗ֶ转 诪讜ּ住ְ驻ֵ讬 讛ַ砖ַּׁ讘ָּ转 讜ּ诪讜ּ住ְ驻ֵ讬 讛ֶ讞ָ讙 谞ִ讝ְ讻ֶּ讛 诇ְ讛ַ拽ְ专ִ讬讘ָ诐 讘ִּ讝ְ诪ַ谞ָּ诐 讜ּ讘ְ诪讜ֹ注ֲ讚ָ诐. 讜ְ注ַ诇 讬ְ讚ֵ讬 讝ֶ讛 谞ִ讝ְ讻ֶּ讛 诇ַ讙ְּ讗讜ּ诇ָ讛 讛ַ砖ְּׁ诇ֵ诪ָ讛, 讜ְ诇ֹ讗 转ִּ